I read two articles by Dennen, Rutledge, and Badgy for this week. I think both articles are based on the same data collected from a high school in Florida. Both of them had very interesting findings, which are similar to what I experienced in Korea. For example, there were two types of teachers- the ones trying to regulate students' phone use (Leave it out of your sight) and the others trying to integrate it into their class activities (I was one of them). I think schools require some sort of discipline in younger grades for teaching them how to sit properly, pay attention to a certain thing for a given amount of time, and get the given tasks done. But once the students pass that era of establishing healthy, basic studying (or living) habits, I believe schools are also responsible for teaching students how to use their social media for self-regulated learning, like a quote in the paper. "Students don't know how much information they have at their fingertips." Another ...